Harlowbury Primary School

Breakfast Club

Our Breakfast Club runs term time only on a daily basis from Monday to Friday each week unless the school is closed for any reason. We open our doors at 7.40am. 

The club will be led by members of Harlowbury Primary School staff.

  • Breakfast Club provides early morning childcare together with a combination of a healthy breakfast and an opportunity for your child to engage in social activities.
  • Breakfast can be the most important meal of the day and many children miss it out completely.
  • The club will allow your child to start the school day, on time, calm and ready for learning.

Please call into the school office for more information regarding Breakfast Club. Booking forms, all terms & conditions and payments are to be completed via Parentmail. 

Study Club & Homework Club

Harlowbury are pleased to offer the following morning clubs this term:

Year 5 & 6 only - Study Club- every morning from 8.10 am. There is no charge for this club.